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Cardinal Cushing Division -- Ancient Order of Hibernians

The Cushing Chronicle

The Unofficial Organ of the Cardinal Cushing Division

·        November 2002

Next Meeting 7:30 PM, Thursday, November 21, 2002

American Legion Post 1976, Annandale

Election Time is here!



President's Message

I am sad to report that one of our long time members, Brother Don Beard, recently passed away.  Don had been quite ill for some time.  He fought the good fight.  Please remember him in your prayers.  Also, as Im sure most of you know, Msgr. Bradigan, had a stroke and is recovering in Pennsylvania.  Pray for his speedy recovery.

On the brighter side, it is a pleasure to welcome a new member into the Division and into the Order, Father Kevin Walsh.  Father Walsh is St. Philips Parish in Falls Church.  Welcome, Father.  It is a pleasure to have you as a member of the Division.  And, our thanks to Jack Williard for recruiting Father Walsh. We all need to do a better job in that regard.  We have had to drop some of our members recently, so our numbers are down.  More important, we need to get more of you involved. I keep asking for suggestions, ideas, and things to do to make the Order more interesting to you, and to get you involved in the meetings.  I have had very few takers. Personally, the Order and the Division are very important to me.  Tell us how we can get you more involved

As you most probably know, our fraternal year ends in December.  That means two very important things are coming up soon, dues notices and elections.  First to the elections.  Our by-laws call for our elections to be held at the November meeting.  At the meeting in October, we went through the nomination process. Those nominated for the several positions are shown later on in this newsletter.  Remember, just because someone was nominated, that does not automatically mean he will be elected.  We will take nominations from the floor at the meeting. Come join us for an exciting evening by selecting the Officers who will be running your Division for the next Fraternal Year.

Secondly, dues notices will be out soon.  Please be prompt in your payment of dues.  It makes the Financial Secretarys life a lot easier.

Finally, mark your calendars for the first fundraiser we have done in a long time.  We have made arrangements for a fantastic entertainer, Mary Smith, to put on a concert for us in late February.  The details are still getting finalized, so you will be hearing more about this.  Mary is a balladeer in the old Irish tradition.  She puts on a great show.  We will make it financially attractive to you.  Dont let us down on this one.


In Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity

Dan Rhoades, President




The Irish Center needs help.

Contact Brother Dominic Preston at (703) 866-0343 if you can help.


An gorta mor

AOH license plates are still available. Two frames for $10 plus $1.50 postage. Contact Charlie Moore, at (703) 494-6125.

 Officers for 2002

President                                           Dan Rhoades

                                                           (703) 532-6385

Vice President                                 Tom Gallagher

                                                           (703) 979-5370

Recording Secretary                          Paul OBrien

                                                           (703) 725-5285

Financial Secretary                                  J. J. Kelly

                                                           (703) 455-1507

Treasurer                                             Ed Kennedy

                                                           (703) 256-7536

Standing Committee                   Frank Loughney

                                                           (703) 451-3808

Marshall                                                Jack Wyatt

                                                           (703) 978-7796

Sentinel                                         Emmett Murphy

                                                           (703) 451-6369

Chaplain                                    Fr. deLadurantaye

                                                           (703) 841-2554

Historian                                      Dominic Preston

                                                           (703) 866-0343

Organizer                                      Frank Loughney

                                                           (703) 451-3808

Pro-Life                                                 Bill Delaney

                                                           (703) 495-9303

Past President                             Frank Loughney

                                                          (703) 451-3808.



Officer Nominations

The following brothers were nominated for office in the Cardinal Cushing Division for the Fraternal Year 2003.  This constitutes the required official notification of the division.  Elections will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting, which will be held on November 21, 2002.  Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor at that time.

President: Thomas Gallagher

Vice-President: J. Charles (Chuck) Curran

Recorder: Eugene Bransfield

Treasurer: Edward Kennedy

Financial Secretary: J. J. Kelly

Ch. Standing Comm.: Dominic Preston

Marshall: Emmet Murphy

Sentinel: Sanford Stone






Roster Update

            I am forced to assume that the roster, which I sent out with last months newsletter, was almost flawless as I received a total of two phone calls with corrections.  If there are any additional ones, please let me know.  I can take your corrections at any time.


Dues Notices

            Our National Office seems to be running a bit slow this year with the official rosters.  Once I get them, I will be sending out dues notices for Fraternal Year 2003.  Please be prompt in your payments.

Thank you.

J. J. Kelly, Financial Secretary.


Division Christmas Party

In past years, we have had some great Christmas parties in the Division.  With the disestablishment of the Ladies Division, it seems we have lost our social rudder.  Is anybody interested in a party?  Our old Yankee Swap was a lot of fun.  We all, wives, kids, guys, seemed to enjoy it.  Let us know if you want to do something this year.  Contact J. J. Kelly at (703) 455-1507, or email Paloma9102@earthlink.net.


2002 Freedom for All Ireland Christmas Appeal

Attached to this newsletter is a letter from Brendan Moore, AOH National Chairman, Freedom for All Ireland.  Please read it and give consideration to a generous donation.  Not only, as Brendan points out, is this part of the basic meaning of Christmas, it is also part of our Orders Motto Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.

Please be generous.




Disclaimer:  If its wrong blame Dan.  I just type this thing. J

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